Monday, February 22, 2010

Random Monday Volume II: The Rainy Day Edition

Random Monday, round two. GO!

Best thing I heard all day? When Teja explained that Emaline couldn't have a glass of water to dip her paint brushes in because the last time she drank the cup of paint water. And Em's reply?

"Yep. It tasted good."

Kids are awesome.

My Monday off was totally busy. I had lunch with Bill Keller (who in his Bill Keller way, managed to drive me crazy before he even got into the car. It's actually a talent and impressive). After that, I went to my aunt's to borrow her scanner to scan some old pictures into the computer. And then picked up Samantha from school (man, you know you live in the 'burbs when the area where parents pick up their children is filled to maximum capacity with minivans and SUV's). Then came pretty much straight over here to watch Em. And here I sit. Keeping Random Monday alive. Trying not to fall asleep.

I like chocolate and cheese more than should be allowed. I think things from a cow are the greatest gift the Universe has ever bestowed upon us. The only thing that would make a cow's contribution to my life better would be if pierogies also came from a cow. Then I would understand completely why the Hindu's worship the cow. Maybe in India pierogies DO come from cows.

The Olympics make me patriotic in a way that might be unhealthy. I get all fired up. Like US v. Canada in hockey. I was super serious about that shit. Screw Sid the Kid. GO TEAM USA! I'm usually all about other cultures and not being too cultural bias-y (which, I'm thinking isn't a real word. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? IT IS IN AMERICA!), but during the Olympics there's like a switch in my head and instead of being like, yeah, other countries are awesome too, I'm all like, "Dear Other Countries, Sorry that you are not as awesome/amazing/crazy good at all things like we are. I'm also sorry that you don't seem to realize that we are better/more awesome/generally just superior in all ways than you are. GO US! Love, America."

The only thing that is different about this Olympic experience is that I kind of want to be Canadian. And that has never happened before. But do you see how excited they get about EVERYTHING? Canadians are like Canada's biggest fans, and that's awesome. Plus Ryan Reynolds is from Canada. And I would like to do dirty things to him.

That's all I have for the second edition of Random Monday. We're making it just under the wire too. Because in forty minutes it's going to be Tuesday. And Tuesday can't be Random. It's just Reasonable Tuesday where things are orderly and make sense. Suck it Tuesday.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm currently sitting at Caribou. I have never done this. Others do it. All the time actually. Some people waste hours here. I have about an hour and a half to kill. There are strangers in my home putting in new carpeting. Hence, I needed to get the hells out of there. I think there is a difference between strangers and potential friends and I do not like to cross it. Potential friends? Yes. Strangers? No. Stay the fuck away from me.

Please do not offer me candy to entice me into your creepy van. The answer is no. (Sidebar: If someone offered me Strongbow, or to a lesser extent Woodchuck, to get me into their vehicle, I have a hard time believing I could say no. I have extraordinarily low standards).

So Caribou. It's strange that some people do this every day. I'm going to assume that they have more to do than just sit and read The Princess Bride and write a ridiculous blog about the danger of strangers. But I have no idea. Maybe they sit and play Snood all day long and just pretend to look busy.

I sure hope so. If I could figure out a way to play Snood at a professional level, I would, I totally would. I want someone to pay me to play Snood. Or Zuma.

I'm going to assign this blog Random Monday, because I'm going to popcorn to a different topic (remember popcorn? When you would be in class reading out loud and to get someone else to pick up the reading you would say "Popcorn Meghan!" and then Meghan would have to read about estuaries and tidal flow. I hope that was not just a Marzolf Elementary thing but like a real life everywhere thing).

Bob is throwing beans at me. Kurt also had to try. Bob won. Kurt's landed no where near me. Sorry Kurt.

The Princess Bride
is one of my all time favorite movies. I bought the book recently at the Half Price Book Store. I love the Half Price Book Store. But I digress. The book is fantastic. The movie follows the book pretty precisely, which makes me love the movie and Rob Reiner more. I hate movies that screw with the book. Don't make the movie if you don't think you can do the book justice (I'm looking at you Time Traveler's Wife.)

I love the Olympics. I want the Olympics on all the time. But I bet that would make them less awesome. Like Christmas. If you had Christmas everyday I bet it would suck after awhile. Plus everyone would be broke. You can't have the same day over and over again without it totally sucking. Just ask Bill Murray. He'll tell you.

Random Monday. I might make it a thing. Stay tuned.