Friday, June 19, 2009

Where is Old Zealand?

What's up with Andorra? Is it even a real country? Has anyone ever been to Andorra? I know that it may or may not be located in Europe. I think that they are happy, healthy people. Maybe they have universal health care? Can you vacation in Andorra? Do they call them Andorrans?

Seriously, good people of Andorra, argue your cause. Because I think you might be an imaginary country used to test the geographical and historical skills of the rest of the world. And we fail. Epically.

Back in the day, when they were dividing up the former Soviet bloc, I think they got a little name crazy and had all these great country names and no actual countries to bestow them on. So we ended up with fake countries. So small that you can't even locate it on a map. Andorra. Malta. San Marino. All an elaborate hoax. Well played, Europe, well played.

And while we're on the subject of geographic oddities, what's New Zealand's deal? What continent are they considered a part of? Not Australia, right, because Australia is a continent and a country. That's their big claim to fame (as my good friend Jodi commented, "I think we're getting ripped off"). So, Asia then? Is Asia just collecting countries now? Soon they'll have the whole set!

There's a Jersey in England somewhere, hence the "New" part. There's a regular old Mexico. So New Mexico makes sense, but what happened to the Zealand? Who decided it was new?

I'd like to go to New Zealand, despite the fact that it's so pretty that it literally makes me want to die, but maybe I'd like to check out the Old Zealand first. You know, for comparison sake.

You know where in the world Carmen Sandiego is? She's totally hiding out in Zealand, which is off the coast of Andorra. No one's ever going to find her there.

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