Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chicken on a Stick is divine.

Is there anything better than music, chicken on a stick, a giant ass cup of lemonade and some good pals?

It makes me love summer. And Pittsburgh. It was hard to imagine loving Pittsburgh more, but there you are. Plus we had a fun van ride in which everyone but me was convinced that the garage we parked in began getting smaller the higher we went. (False. It did not. It was an optical illusion. We were not Alice, this is not Wonderland.)

Plus, did I mention chicken on a stick? Everything is better on a stick. Chicken. Chocolate covered strawberries. Chocolate covered mallows. Veggies. Popsicles. Things on sticks rock. It's a proven fact that 100% of people enjoy food more when it comes on a stick (Note: this fact has only been proven by me in a field study where I asked exactly one person if they preferred food on a stick. And that person may or may not have been myself.)

I pretty much love everything this night chooses to be.

1 comment:

  1. Fact: That garage WAS getting smaller. And yes, we do live in Wonderland.

    And that was the best night maybe EVER!

    quack, quack, quack
