I love fall. I love the leaves changing, I love football, I love sweaters and pumpkins and Halloween and Thanksgiving. I think everyone is aware of my love for Hocus Pocus.
And I love the start of new television seasons.
Here's the thing. I am not ashamed of being a giant tv addict. The invention of DVR is right up there in my book with the invention of electricity and anti-biotics. I love books for their ability to transport you to another place, and television, good television, is the lazier way to do that.
So with that being said. Flash Forward? Yes. Just. Yes.
Everyone and their mother is talking about this show. With good reason. It's a crazy awesome concept. And it's good. So far it totally kept my interest (which is saying something. I have a very short attention span and have been known to be a skimmer. I used to skim my school reading, I sometimes skim movies, and I often skim television shows. DVR owns my soul).
Point is? It's just as awesome as everyone says it is. I didn't fast forward through any of it. Not once.
"D. Gibbons is a bad man." WTF. That line right there just hooked me FOR LIFE.
Do yourself a favor. Go online and find the first two episodes and watch. This show wins at life.
Done. Will watch tonight. I SOOOO love fall, too.